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If you need help with any aspect of, please check the material available in the Support section of your account, or call us on 01 488 0038. Real people in our office will answer your call and help you with your query from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Bulk SMS - ParishText free trial
  • Free Trial

    We give you 100 free credits. Simply fill in your account details, tell us how you intend to use the service, and submit your request. We will reply within 24 hours with the information you need to login and send texts. So get typing!
  • What our Customers Say!

    We use regularly and find it great to use, fast and easy. We use it to keep in touch with our parish groups, to send them reminders and updates. We would definitely recommend it and have already done so.

    Carol O'Callaghan
    Caragh Parish Office